Wanted: personal trainers 👀

I’m currently seeking certified personal trainers with experience serving LGBTQ+ communities who are interested in working with paying clients at our studio. I’d especially love to support any trainers whose identities are underrepresented in the fitness industry, including trainers who are Black, Indigenous, Persons of Color, Transgender, non-binary or gender-expansive, and/or Fat. There can be lots of flexibility in the services and pricing you offer to clients here. Please send me an email if you are interested, and we can brainstorm together!

Background info: Many people who find Out Fitness ask me for help with learning equipment and choosing exercises for their goals. Some never make it into the studio because they want an expert in the room with them! Out Fitness is my passion project, and I have a full-time day job, so I’m not able to provide personal training to any more clients. I wish I could work with everyone who is interested, but perhaps Out Fitness can create opportunities for fellow trainers instead! My goal is to have a group of trainers in the Out Fitness “family” whom we can confidently recommend to folks.